Fact Sheet
Cameroon has been grappling with a protracted crisis of conflict and instability for nearly a decade, resulting in an estimated 3.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistanc...
Situation Report
Severe flooding in Cameroon’s Far North region has displaced over 365,000 people and caused widespread destruction of homes, health centres, and agricultural assets. The floods, co...
Situation Report
UNFPA is prioritizing the urgent sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and protection needs of women and girls in flood-affected areas. UNFPA requires USD 1,174,045 to address the n...
Technical Reports and Document
Thanks to United Nations Central Emergency Funds (UNCERF), UNFPA Cameroon has piloted few strategies to involve men, aiming to apply gender transformative approaches in emergencies...
Situation Report
In June, clashes between government forces and armed separatist groups in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon led to displacement and reduced humanitarian access, whi...
Situation Report
The humanitarian situation continues to worsen across Cameroon, negatively impacting affected populations’ livelihoods, and necessitating a stronger, coordinated and well-funded r...
Situation Report
The situation in Cameroon's North West and South West Regions was characterised by lockdowns, attacks against civilians. UNFPA intensified its outreach towards vulnerable women and...
UNFPA mène depuis 2003 la « Campagne Éliminer la Fistule » au Cameroun et accompagne le MINSANTE dans la lutte contre la fistule obstétricale. A ce jour plus de 1294 op...
Situation Report
Across crisis-affected regions in Cameroon, the situation remains precarious. It is marked by violence, killings, and mass displacements. Despite the challenging environment, UNFPA...