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Multiplier effect of the involvement of men, boys and community leaders in the response to violence against women in North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon

Multiplier effect of the involvement of men, boys and community leaders in the response to violence against women in North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon
Multiplier effect of the involvement of men, boys and community leaders in the response to violence against women in North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon


UNFPA Cameroon

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UNFPA Cameroon

Technical Reports and Document

Multiplier effect of the involvement of men, boys and community leaders in the response to violence against women in North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon

Publication date

16 September 2024

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Women are exposed to higher risks of Intimate Partner Violence and other forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV)in the crisis-affected North West and South West of Cameroon. One of the well-known strategy to reduce violence against women is towards positive masculinity and male engagement in GBV programming.

But, is doing this in emergencies setting able to increase GBV service provisions and save lives ?

Thanks to United Nations Central Emergency Funds (UNCERF), UNFPA Cameroon has piloted few strategies to involve men, aiming to apply gender transformative approaches in emergencies and create a conducive environment for referral of GBV survivors. 

This learning brief “Multiplier effect of the involvement of men, boys and community leaders in the response to violence against women in North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon.” analyse the results of this three years long pilot.

This abstract is part of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2024.