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Dr. Justin Koffi, carries out his first field visit as Resident Representative in the town of Douala. This was to launch a training workshop of high-ranking security force officers on human rights promotion & GBV prevention & response in humanitarian setting in the North West & South West Regions.

The activity benefitted from the financial support of the United Nations Peacebuilding fund. The training was recommended by Cameroon high defense and security authorities with the moto End GBV & uphold human rights. Dr. Justin Koffi appreciated the existing collaboration & encouraged the officers to become champions of gender equity & equality.

Visit at the Bonaberi Baptist Hospital.
Photo: UNFPA/July 2022

As side event, the Resident Representative visited UNFPA humanitarian projects implemented in Douala with financial support from the Local Bureau of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. Sexual and Reproductive Health initiatives in the Baptist Hospitals in Mboppi & Bonaberi and a women and girls’ safe space with LUKMEF Cameroon as implementing partner.

These institutions provide lifesaving services to IDP & vulnerable women from host communities.